Knowledge Sharing Network

Working Title Design Launch

Cur­rent­ly, Design Man­age­ment is rep­re­sent­ed so incon­sis­tent­ly that there is both an oppor­tu­ni­ty and a need for Design Man­agers to define our field and chart a course for the pro­fes­sion. The devel­op­ment of a cen­tral net­work enti­ty is the per­fect way to allow Design Man­agers to share their knowl­edge, projects and expe­ri­ences. This forum of […]

V720 Midterm Update

V720 Midterm Update from Sarah Tolz­mann on Vimeo. A few weeks ago, I wrote a post titled How Do We Cre­ate Val­ue for the Design Com­mu­ni­ty? This was a ques­tion I was explor­ing at the start of this project in our Design Inno­va­tion Devel­op­ment and Mar­ket­ing Strate­gies class (aka V720). Our class also looked at […]

How Do We Create Value for the Design Community?

This is the ques­tion I am try­ing to answer this week­end. The Design Man­age­ment pro­gram at SCAD is con­sid­er­ing cre­at­ing some type of pub­li­ca­tion. One of my class assign­ments is to fig­ure out the best way for this to be done. I am very inter­est­ed in how we can cre­ate val­ue in the design com­mu­ni­ty […]