Environmental Infographics in Honor of Earth Day

In hon­or of Earth Day this past week­end, here are a few envi­ron­men­tal info­graph­ics cour­tesy of GOOD. Info­graph­ic: Why Don’t Amer­i­cans Recy­cle?.Just half of Amer­i­cans recy­cle dai­ly, and 13 per­cent don’t recy­cle at all. Most peo­ple rec­og­nize the ben­e­fits of recy­cling, but they’re often not sure which items can be recy­cled and find the process […]

Debate: How to Brainstorm Effectively

In my recent post Susan Cain: The pow­er of intro­verts, I men­tioned that I agreed with Cain’s view on brain­storm­ing — that it is ben­e­fi­cial to allow par­tic­i­pants to brain­storm on their own before dis­cussing ideas in a group set­ting. Then last week I came across more arti­cles dis­cussing the pro­ce­dure of brain­storm­ing.