
Environmental Infographics in Honor of Earth Day

In hon­or of Earth Day this past week­end, here are a few envi­ron­men­tal info­graph­ics cour­tesy of GOOD. Info­graph­ic: Why Don’t Amer­i­cans Recy­cle?.Just half of Amer­i­cans recy­cle dai­ly, and 13 per­cent don’t recy­cle at all. Most peo­ple rec­og­nize the ben­e­fits of recy­cling, but they’re often not sure which items can be recy­cled and find the process […]

Method Ocean Plastic Initiative

Method is known as an indus­try inno­va­tor with its eco-con­s­cious line of house­hold and per­son­al care prod­ucts. The company’s lat­est inno­va­tion in sus­tain­able pack­ag­ing is a bot­tle made out of plas­tic that washed up on beach­es from the North Pacif­ic Gyre, often referred to as the Great Pacif­ic Garbage Patch or the Pacif­ic Trash Vor­tex.

Mike Biddle: We can recycle plastic

Mike Bid­dle: We can recy­cle plas­tic | Video on Less than 10% of plas­tic trash is recy­cled com­pared to almost 90% of met­als. This is because of the mas­sive­ly com­pli­cat­ed prob­lem of find­ing and sort­ing the dif­fer­ent kinds of plas­tic. Frus­trat­ed by this waste, Mike Bid­dle has devel­oped a cheap and incred­i­bly ener­gy effi­cient […]

Recycling in Savannah

How to Moti­vate Peo­ple to Cre­ate Bet­ter Recy­cling Habits through Aware­ness, Edu­ca­tion and Con­ve­nience Overview For my final project in the Design Man­age­ment pro­gram at SCAD, I want­ed to take a clos­er look at recy­cling in Savan­nah, GA. The pur­pose of my study was to reveal a bet­ter way to encour­age and enable recy­cling for […]


While research­ing sus­tain­abil­i­ty graph­ics for my M.A. Final Project, I came across Eco­Labs and the con­cept of eco-lit­er­a­­cy. Eco­Labs is a not for prof­it net­work of design­ers and visu­al artists who cre­ate mate­ri­als, projects and pro­grams that sup­port eco­log­i­cal lit­er­a­cy. The aim of the orga­ni­za­tion is to nur­ture whole sys­tems think­ing, fos­ter eco­log­i­cal lit­er­a­cy, and […]

It’s Not Easy Being Green

It’s Not Easy Being Green is a project by two design­ers trav­el­ing around the world in 184 days. The project was ini­ti­at­ed by Aart van Bezooyen and Paula Raché, a Dutch-Ger­­man design cou­ple liv­ing and work­ing in Ham­burg, Ger­many. Over the course of six months they are offer­ing inspir­ing lec­tures and mate­ri­als work­shops to explore […]

Creative Capacity of Social Business Models — Core77

This arti­cle shows exam­ples of inno­v­a­tive busi­ness mod­els that com­bine cre­ativ­i­ty and social respon­si­bil­i­ty: Cre­ative Capac­i­ty of Social Busi­ness Mod­els.

Tippy Tap: Save Water, Save Lives

I found this video via World Water Day: Tip­py Tap keeps it sim­ple + saves water — Core77. I love how sim­ple the solu­tion is. To learn more vis­it

We Need a Mind Shift

In this video, Lewis Pugh dis­cuss­es his jour­ney to com­plete a swim in a melt­wa­ter lake on the slopes of Mount Ever­est. This jour­ney taught him a rad­i­cal new way to approach swim­ming as well as a new way to think about glob­al cli­mate change.Pugh learned two impor­tant lessons on Mt. Ever­est: Just because some­thing […]

Design Revolution Roadshow: Changing the World by Design

What began as a tour for Emi­ly Pilloton’s book, “Design Rev­o­lu­tion: 100 Prod­ucts that Empow­er Peo­ple,” end­ed up becom­ing much more. Pil­lo­ton used her 2009 Sap­pi Ideas that Mat­ter Grant to turn the book tour into a mobile exhi­bi­tion with work­shops and lec­tures geared towards inspir­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of young design­ers and pro­mot­ing the idea that design can have a pos­i­tive social impact.