5 Rules for a Creative Culture

5 Rules for a Cre­ative Cul­ture Ben Chest­nut, CEO of MailChimp Avoid rules. Avoid order. Don’t just embrace chaos, but cre­ate a lit­tle bit of it. Con­stant change, from the top-down, keeps peo­ple nim­ble and flex­i­ble (and shows that you want con­stant change). Give your­self and your team per­mis­sion to be cre­ative. Per­mis­sion to try […]

Connecting the Dots

You can’t con­nect the dots look­ing for­ward; you can only con­nect them look­ing back­wards. So you have to trust that the dots will some­how con­nect in your future. You have to trust in some­thing — your gut, des­tiny, life, kar­ma, what­ev­er. This approach has nev­er let me down, and it has made all the dif­fer­ence […]