Environmental Infographics in Honor of Earth Day

In hon­or of Earth Day this past week­end, here are a few envi­ron­men­tal info­graph­ics cour­tesy of GOOD.

Why Americans Don't Recycle

Info­graph­ic: Why Don’t Amer­i­cans Recy­cle?.
Just half of Amer­i­cans recy­cle dai­ly, and 13 per­cent don’t recy­cle at all. Most peo­ple rec­og­nize the ben­e­fits of recy­cling, but they’re often not sure which items can be recy­cled and find the process incon­ve­nient and time-con­sum­ing (a top­ic of per­son­al inter­est to me). Read More

Debate: How to Brainstorm Effectively

Andy Rementer — The New York Times | Jan­u­ary 15, 2012

In my recent post Susan Cain: The pow­er of intro­verts, I men­tioned that I agreed with Cain’s view on brain­storm­ing — that it is ben­e­fi­cial to allow par­tic­i­pants to brain­storm on their own before dis­cussing ideas in a group set­ting. Then last week I came across more arti­cles dis­cussing the pro­ce­dure of brain­storm­ing. Read More

Susan Cain: The power of introverts | Video on TED.com

Susan Cain: The pow­er of intro­verts | Video on TED.com.

As some­one who would describe her­self as nat­u­ral­ly more intro­vert­ed, I real­ly love this video high­light­ing the pow­er of intro­verts in a cul­ture that tends to val­ue extro­ver­sion. This video goes along with a long list of arti­cles I’ve read over the past few months exam­in­ing collaboration/group work ver­sus the idea of the lone design­er.

I pre­fer the bal­ance of autonomous work and group work for which Cain is advo­cat­ing. I also agree with Cain’s view on the ben­e­fit of allow­ing par­tic­i­pants to brain­storm on their own before dis­cussing ideas in a group set­ting. Read More

Website Strategy and Design for Finished Art, Inc.

FA Website Strategy Brainstorm


Fin­ished Art was con­sid­er­ing cre­at­ing a blog, but the com­pa­ny was not sure whether it was worth the effort or how the blog would actu­al­ly work. Dur­ing some free time, I decid­ed to sit down and think about whether a blog could be a good idea for the com­pa­ny and what ben­e­fits and chal­lenges it could bring.

I pre­sent­ed the strat­e­gy for a web­site redesign to the Pres­i­dent of Fin­ished Art, Inc., then I began spear­head­ing the web­site redesign and the cre­ation of the new blog. Read More

Year of the Dragon

Year of the Dragon

Well, it has been over a month since I’ve post­ed any­thing, and life has been pret­ty busy and excit­ing for me. The year of the drag­on is off to a fan­tas­tic start!

To start off the new year, I decid­ed I would take a chance and present a strat­e­gy for a web­site redesign to the Pres­i­dent of Fin­ished Art, Inc. I used the skills I devel­oped in grad­u­ate school and it paid off! I was not sure how my dia­grams and sketch­es would be per­ceived since it was the first time I tried it out in a busi­ness set­ting. The man­age­ment team was impressed, so I am cur­rent­ly spear­head­ing a web­site redesign and the cre­ation of a new blog. Read More