Brochures & Manuals

Coca-Cola Aluminum Bottle Brochure

39th Cre­ativ­i­ty Annu­al Awards (2009) – Gold Award Win­ner

This brochure was cre­at­ed to high­light the beau­ty and inno­va­tion of the new Coca-Cola Alu­minum bot­tle design. Specif­i­cal­ly, the brochure was aimed at tar­get­ing bar own­ers by empha­siz­ing the unique, mod­ern look and expe­ri­ence the bot­tles would cre­ate in the club scene. I decid­ed the best way to focus on the allure of the icon­ic bot­tle would be a close crop­ping of the wide­ly rec­og­nized Coca-Cola con­tour bot­tle shape. The brochure opens up to reveal the intro­duc­to­ry copy con­tained inside the con­tour sil­hou­ette.

Coffee Instruction Manuals

CHAQWA & Far Coast Coffee Instruction Manuals

After meet­ing with the client, I designed these two instruc­tion man­u­als for oper­at­ing and clean­ing a PDM 100 cof­feemak­er. The man­u­als are for two dif­fer­ent cof­fee com­pa­nies that use this machine and it was very impor­tant to make sure the instruc­tions were eas­i­ly under­stand­able even with poten­tial lan­guage bar­ri­ers. I coor­di­nat­ed with illus­tra­tors in the office to cre­ate these cus­tom illus­tra­tions demon­strat­ing the var­i­ous steps for clean­ing and oper­at­ing the machine. The man­u­als were also trans­lat­ed into French and Nor­we­gian.

Enviga DJ Endorsement Kit

Enviga DJ Endorsement Kit

This endorse­ment kit was cre­at­ed to intro­duce radio DJs to Envi­ga, a new “calo­rie-burn­ing tea”. It was impor­tant to cre­ate an inter­est­ing pack­age for the sell sheets as well as empha­size the calo­rie-burn­ing prop­er­ties of the tea. I designed a die cut of over­lap­ping flames from the Envi­ga logo that serves to hold the pack­age shut with­out the need for a seal.

GameWorks Map

GameWorks Maps

I designed this map for Game­Works, a nation­al chain of restau­rants with inter­ac­tive games and attrac­tions. I adapt­ed the lay­out for three dif­fer­ent Game­Works loca­tions. The size and nature of the map changed many times over the course of the project. It was first designed to be a pock­et-sized map with num­bers in order of what attrac­tions a cus­tomer should check out first, but in the end it became a large map with game descrip­tions.