The Design Imperialism Debate

As soon as I wrote my post about Emi­ly Pilloton’s Design Rev­o­lu­tion Road­show, my hus­band was quick to show me this arti­cle writ­ten by Bruce Nuss­baum over at Fast Com­pa­ny: Is Human­i­tar­i­an Design the New Impe­ri­al­ism? This arti­cle has caused quite a stir in the design com­mu­ni­ty. At first glance, I found the arti­cle to […]

Design Revolution Roadshow: Changing the World by Design

What began as a tour for Emi­ly Pilloton’s book, “Design Rev­o­lu­tion: 100 Prod­ucts that Empow­er Peo­ple,” end­ed up becom­ing much more. Pil­lo­ton used her 2009 Sap­pi Ideas that Mat­ter Grant to turn the book tour into a mobile exhi­bi­tion with work­shops and lec­tures geared towards inspir­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of young design­ers and pro­mot­ing the idea that design can have a pos­i­tive social impact.