A Map of My Work Life

My Work HistorySince it has been a very slow day at work, I decid­ed to kill some time by map­ping out my work his­to­ry just like Adam Richard­son did in his post “Map­ping My Work Life” on frog design’s design mind blog. His map is a lot more inter­est­ing than mine since it spans almost 20 years.I chose to start in 2003 since that is when I took my first Graph­ic Design class. It’s inter­est­ing to look back and think about how and when I start­ed branch­ing off into dif­fer­ent areas like web design, inter­ac­tiv­i­ty and pack­ag­ing graph­ics. Just like Adam Richard­son, I had a spike in writ­ing when I was in school, and it also esca­lat­ed this past year when I was writ­ing for admis­sion into grad­u­ate school as well as start­ing this blog. I antic­i­pate the time I spend writ­ing to go way up next year!As I look into the future, I see myself adding a few new cat­e­gories and I will prob­a­bly see a com­plete drop off in some of the cat­e­gories that cur­rent­ly take up the bulk of my time. I real­ly think I might keep chart­ing this as time goes by so I can have an inter­est­ing visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion of my life’s work.

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