Design Management

What’s Under the Kitchen Sink?

Overview In the twen­­ty-first cen­tury, orga­nized liv­ing spaces are more preva­lent than ever. Orga­ni­za­tional sys­tems have been designed and redesigned in an attempt to make spaces more accom­mo­dat­ing. The scope for this project was to step back and ana­lyze why cur­rent sys­tems are not work­ing to their full poten­tial and cre­ate a solu­tion that would […]

The Human Factor: Design Thinking

This intro­duc­to­ry class helped me under­stand the phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al human fac­tors that need to be con­sid­ered with every design project — from ergonom­ics and usabil­i­ty to light­ing and col­or. Com­ing from a graph­ic design back­ground, the phys­i­cal fac­tors were espe­cial­ly new to me. I learned how to find and use anthro­po­met­ric data as well […]

V720 Midterm Update

V720 Midterm Update from Sarah Tolz­mann on Vimeo. A few weeks ago, I wrote a post titled How Do We Cre­ate Val­ue for the Design Com­mu­ni­ty? This was a ques­tion I was explor­ing at the start of this project in our Design Inno­va­tion Devel­op­ment and Mar­ket­ing Strate­gies class (aka V720). Our class also looked at […]

Design Management Definitions

Why is it impor­tant for us to define what we do? “For stu­dents, the chang­ing roles and chal­lenges of design mean there are new demands made on those want­i­ng to build careers in design and the cre­ative indus­tries. Design is inex­tri­ca­bly linked to the way in which soci­ety, the envi­ron­ment and busi­ness inter­act, and as […]

Idea Visualization: sketch vs. prototype

So far in all my class­es, pro­fes­sors have con­stant­ly said things like “just idea viz it up!” My inter­nal response was always some­thing like, “what the hell does that even mean?!” So, here it is – my first group attempt at real­ly idea vizzing it up!

How Do We Create Value for the Design Community?

This is the ques­tion I am try­ing to answer this week­end. The Design Man­age­ment pro­gram at SCAD is con­sid­er­ing cre­at­ing some type of pub­li­ca­tion. One of my class assign­ments is to fig­ure out the best way for this to be done. I am very inter­est­ed in how we can cre­ate val­ue in the design com­mu­ni­ty […]

Designer Salaries

This is a rant about an obnox­ious guy I met who, after ask­ing what I do for a liv­ing, said “Graph­ic Design­ers don’t make any mon­ey.” Also includ­ed is a link to the 2009 Coroflot Design­er Salary Sur­vey.

Inspiration, Brainstorming and the Creative Process

A col­lec­tion of arti­cles and videos cov­er­ing the top­ics of inspi­ra­tion, brain­storm­ing and the cre­ative process.

Different Flavors of Design Management

A look at the dif­fer­ent “fla­vors” of design man­age­ment and how the great scope of the dis­ci­pline affects how it is both per­ceived and taught.