We Need a Mind Shift

In this video, Lewis Pugh dis­cuss­es his jour­ney to com­plete a swim in a melt­wa­ter lake on the slopes of Mount Ever­est. This jour­ney taught him a rad­i­cal new way to approach swim­ming as well as a new way to think about glob­al cli­mate change.Pugh learned two impor­tant lessons on Mt. Ever­est:

  1. Just because some­thing has worked so well in the past, doesn’t mean it will work well in the future. You must ask your­self, what type of mind­set is required to suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete this task?
  2. You need to make a rad­i­cal tac­ti­cal shift, then com­mit 100% to it.

These lessons can also be applied to all dif­fer­ent types of design prob­lems along with fight­ing cli­mate change.